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 Vote Points don't work

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Vote Points don't work Empty
PostSubject: Vote Points don't work   Vote Points don't work Time210Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:09 am

I don't know if it's just me... but I've never been able to claim the points after I've voted. It doesn't matter if I log off MS when I vote or if I'm on @vote always tells me I have 0 vote points. I'm never logged in when I vote on the website and I honestly don't think I can get my own Login ID wrong the 10-12 times I've voted... is anyone else having this problem?
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Vote Points don't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote Points don't work   Vote Points don't work Time210Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:24 pm

I dont really care about the Vote Points, i just vote for the sake of voting.

But, if you do have this problem, it's probably ID Invalid.
Thats one reason.
And two, the redirect is not successful.
And three, try a different browser.
If you're using Safari / Google Chrome, you would PROBABLY experience difficulties.
I recommend FIREFOX.
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Vote Points don't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote Points don't work   Vote Points don't work Time210Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:39 pm

Oh wait .
Even when I type @vote , it says I have no claims .
Check Durr , you'll have them , I guess Razz
Try it .
If the problem still occurs , let me know .

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Vote Points don't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote Points don't work   Vote Points don't work Time210

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